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Set Photos & Info

Full Set Photos

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McCarter Theatre - Design by Alexander Dodge

Two story manor house, lined with bookcases,

CNC routed three color tile floor

Highlighted skills: Wood stain, wonky glass,

faux wood paneled ceiling, wallpaper, marble

fireplace, metal railing, stenciled floor, painted

vacuform books

64 Skylight.jpg



McCarter Theatre - Design by Beowulf Boritt

Hyperreal old London apartment, with a

dreamy color palette, raked stage

Highlighted skills: Extreme plaster aging,


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Goodnight, Nobody


McCarter Theatre - Design by Kimie Nishikawa

A-Frame Cabin, over the course of the show

wood panels would fly out, revealing trees

Highlighted skills: Beech and oak tree

construction and treatment, grass treatment,

knotty pine

48 The Mousetrap.JPG

The Mousetrap


McCarter Theatre - Design by Alexander Dodge

Raked and force perspective set

Highlighted skills: Two-toned marble floor,

plaster, oak paneling, limestone fireplace

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Stones in His Pocket


McCarter Theatre - Design by Beowulf Boritt

Grass square raked stage with textured

translucent drops as walls

Highlighted skills: Dirt facing with exposed

roots, patchy grass, textured and translucent

muslin drops

46 Baby Doll.jpg

Baby Doll


McCarter Theatre - Design by Eddie Pierce

Two story set (with a partial third floor attic space), dirt front yard

Highlighted skills: Peeling paint, hardwood,

wallpaper, water stained plaster, dirt, aging


Talley’s Folly


McCarter Theatre - Design by John Lee Beatty

Reproduction of the 1979 Broadway set.

Worked personally with John Lee Beatty.

Highlighted skills: Peeling paint, aging,

translucent scrim (see Drops Section)

1 Birthday Party.JPG

The Birthday Party


McCarter Theatre - Design by Eugene Lee

Fully functional two story house

Highlighted skills: Wallpapering, aging,

peeling paint

18 She Stoops to Conquer.jpg

She Stoops to Conquer


McCarter Theatre - Design by David Korins

Highlighted skills: Limestone scuplting/

painting, woodgrained oak, hardwood floor,


32 Vania Sonia Masha Spike.jpg

Vanya & Sonia & Masha & Spike


McCarter Theatre - Design by David Korins

Play commissioned by McCarter Theatre,

went on to win the Tony for Best Play on


Highlighted skills: Stone, slate, knotty pine,

beams, plaster, shingles, cobblestone

36 Into The Woods.JPG

Into the Woods


McCarter Theatre - Design by Derek McLane

Set remenicient of piano parts. Rope sculpture

upstage consisted of 2.5 miles of metallic

painted rope. Only 5 of the piano harps on

side walls were real, all others were fabricated.

Highlighted skills: metal, worn hardwood (see

Hardwood page for more detail), cast iron

10 A Seagull in the Hamptons.JPG

A Seagull in the Hamptons


McCarter Theatre - Design by Eugene Lee

Highlighted skills: aging, detail work on

house, hardwood floor & interior (not
